About Friends … in honor of Carol

By Cami Beiter - October 14, 2016---   When we were young rambunctious teenage girls, sleepovers consisted of staying up past the new episode of Fantasy Island. We slumbered in sleeping bags bought from the Sears catalog that and waited weeks for. We gossiped about idiot boys, slutty girls, evil parents. We snuck a few shots of Jack Daniels from behind the bar and, even though it burned and tasted disgusting, you lied to show off your bad ass self. Cigarettes were stolen from mom’s purses and collected like playing cards, only to be handed out after Mr. Roarke waved good-bye to his guests in their polyester wardrobes. You laughed at each other’s personalities while embracing individuality. Everything good was happening before your eyes, yet you had no idea what forever, cherished memories you were creating. Breakfast was likely prepared by a helicopter mom wearing a matching robe and slippers. Or even better, we found a stash of forbidden sugar cereals stacked in the pantry. It was heaven. Things we normally didn’t do, or weren’t allowed to do at home, were suddenly there for the picking. We were a handful of Eve’s in her garden.   Things haven’t changed Read more...